How to Talk to Your GP About an Embarrassing Problem

From reproductive problems to mental health concerns, there are a lot of reasons people are embarrassed to see their GP. This is no small issue, unfortunately, as a health problem left alone can become a serious danger over time. At the very least, it may not just get better without medical help.

Even when you know how important it is to tell your doctor what you're dealing with, it doesn't make it any easier. But instead of suffering in silence, take a look at these tips and lose the fear over talking about your embarrassing problem.

Remember that you're dealing with a professional

You've probably already heard that doctors have seen it all, but it's true. You might be facing something that's difficult to talk about, but telling your GP is different to bringing it up in conversation with a friend.

Your doctor is only there to help, and they're a highly-trained professional with ample experience behind them. You don't need to worry about them judging you, laughing or doing anything to make you uncomfortable.

You just need to bring it up

You may have visions of having to begin your appointment by talking at length about your problem. However, you only need to start things off in a very basic way by getting to the point of the matter.

The doctor will then guide the conversation by asking you questions, which makes the whole thing a lot easier.

Don't be afraid to talk plainly

It's tempting to skirt around the issue and use euphemisms when you're talking about something embarrassing, but when you're talking to a doctor, this can make the situation worse.

Talk plainly and frankly about your problem and you'll be able to solve it faster and with less awkwardness.

Write it down if it helps

Writing a brief description of your problem is a good way to help ensure you stay on point when you get to your appointment, and it gives you something to focus on.

If you find you're too embarrassed to mention it, you can always give the note to your doctor. They won't mind you doing this, and they'll understand why you might feel nervous.

Find out if you can contact your doctor some other way

Some doctors offer telephone appointments or, increasingly commonly, can be contacted via email. This could be an easier way to bring up the subject, as you don't have to see the doctor face-to-face when you do.

You'll probably still need to see them in person for an examination and further assessment, but they will already know what you're dealing with, so bringing it up is already out of the way.

About Me

Accessing Primary Care

If you are unwell or if you have an accident, it is important that you seek medical aid immediately. For many people, this will mean visiting a primary care centre such as a clinic or hospital. Until very recently, I had no experience of primary care. However, all that changed when I had an accident at work. I was taken to the hospital and assessed by a doctor. The treatment the medical team gave me was amazing. I was in the hospital for 4 days and during this time I learnt a lot about primary care. I hope you like this blog.




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